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Fettabsaugung in der Türkei

Fettabsaugungstechniken können nach der injizierten Flüssigkeitsmenge und dem Mechanismus, mit dem die Kanüle funktioniert, kategorisiert werden. Normalerweise wird Fett mit einer Kanüle (einem Hohlrohr) und einem Aspirator (einem Absauggerät) entfernt. Es gibt viele Arten der Fettabsaugung. Einige können als Techniken oder Methoden beschrieben werden. Normalerweise verwenden Chirurgen zwei oder mehr der folgenden unterschiedlichen Techniken in derselben Sitzung.


SAL – Sauggestützte Fettabsaugung


Lymphschonende Fettabsaugung

TLA – Tumeszente Lokalanästhesie

PAL - Power Assisted Liposuktion

WAL - Wasserunterstützte Fettabsaugung

FLLA - Fibro-Lipo-Lymphabsaugung

UAL - Ultraschall-Liposuktion

Kryolipolyse Fettabsaugung

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Liposuction in Turkey

It is an effective surgical procedure that can be used by people who want to have an aesthetic appearance.


It can be applied to both men and women. It would not be wrong to say that it is used more by women.


Today, fat removal applications are preferred by many people. It is a surgical procedure that can be performed primarily for aesthetic purposes, but also for health purposes.


First of all, it should be noted that people who have this procedure should be close to their target weight.


It is a method applied for people who have stubborn fat under their skin and cannot get rid of these fats with normal weight loss methods.


Both the person's health status and skin structure are important issues for this surgical procedure.


You can get help from a doctor who is an expert in the field to understand whether you are suitable or not.


At this point, after the necessary examination, if you are suitable for the procedure, the necessary procedure is started.

People who are going to have liposuction may have many questions in their minds.


One of them is whether the procedure produces permanent results.


It should be noted that liposuction surgery produces permanent results.


In other words, it is possible to get rid of the fat that you cannot get rid of permanently.

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