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Bauchdeckenstraffung Türkei

Die bei der Bauchdeckenstraffung angewandte Technik, der Bereich, in dem die Haut entnommen wird, und andere Fragen werden im Lichte der detaillierten Untersuchung und der untersuchten radiologischen Bilder durch den Arzt entschieden. Die schlaffe und rissige Haut im Bereich bis zum Bauchnabel wird über eine seitlich zu ziehende Linie von der allgemein als Kaiserschnittmarke bezeichneten Stelle entfernt und die Haut über dem Bauchnabel nach unten gestreckt. Auch der Bauchnabel wird rekonstruiert, um ihn in die richtige Position zu bringen. Nach der Operation werden Baucherschlaffung, Erschlaffung und rissige Hautprobleme, insbesondere verursacht durch Schwangerschaft oder übermäßige Gewichtszunahme, beseitigt.

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Tummy Tuck - Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and it takes 2 to 3 hours to perform Abdominoplasty.


Abdominal Lift Surgery can be performed using a variety of techniques and a Abdominoplasty Surgeon will consider the amount of body fat to be removed, the area to be operated on, current medical condition etc. will offer you the best choice on the basis of To perform tummy tuck surgery, the surgeon first marks the areas where fat removal is desired on the abdomen, sides and back.


The following anesthetics are used. The Tummy Tuck surgeon would cut away unwanted skin and subcutaneous tissue to exfoliate the tissue.


Non-absorbent suture for suturing the back muscles to restore the desired normal abdomen, back and desired sides.


The unwanted skin is removed and the incision is sutured with self-absorbing sutures. The wound is thoroughly washed and drains are placed to remove the fluid.

Abdominoplasty can be performed in different ways, depending on the degree of change you want to see.


Before the tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon will ask you to maintain a stable weight for at least 12 months.


You will also be asked to stay away from aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements that can cause bleeding, and you should start taking anticoagulants to prevent blood clots.


The following steps are included in the tummy tuck: During the surgical procedure, you will be given medications to help you relax. Intravenous sedation and general anesthesia are two options.


A Full Abdominal Lift involves a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and the belly button. The amount of excess skin determines the shape and length of the incision.


After the abdominal skin is removed, the damaged main abdominal muscles are restored.


A second incision may be needed around the navel to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen.


The skin on the upper abdomen is pulled down as if it were a shadow falling from a window.


Excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is sutured. A new opening is created for the hub.


The navel is pushed to the surface and sutured. The incision is stitched from hip to hip over the pubic hair, leaving a mark along the natural crease of the bikini line.


Not being able to stand fully until swelling and internal healing is complete can overshadow the outcome of abdominal surgery.

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