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SAPPHİRE FUE Hair Transplant

hair transplant cost turkey

World leader in hair transplantation in Turkey

The difference of this method from the FUE technique is that special sapphire pens are used when opening small holes where the grafts are placed. Sapphire pens do not leave scars on the head and the recovery time is shorter after surgery. In addition, the hair becomes thicker and stronger

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Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

First of all, hair transplant specialists determine the front hairline of the patients who apply with the complaint of hair loss in order to achieve a natural appearance after the procedure.


The most important reason for this is that the front hairline, which starts from the very front or from the very back, distracts the patient from naturalness.


In addition, having the front hairline in a straight line is not a preferred situation in terms of naturalness.


After determining the front hairline, the open area where hair loss and loss is intense is determined.

The FUE technique consists of four stages. First of all, the donor area where the hair follicles will be collected is shaved and the work starts.

The reason for this is to facilitate the removal of hair follicles with the help of micromotor.


After this stage, the area where the hair follicles will be collected is anesthetized with local anesthetic drugs and the second stage is started.


During the second stage, the hair follicles are collected from the nape area one by one using the micromotor method.

At this stage, the most important reason for choosing the nape area as a donor area is that the hair in this area is more resistant to shedding. It takes an average of two hours to collect hair follicles. After the acquisition of healthy hair follicles is completed, it is very important to preserve these hair follicles without damage.


For this reason, the collected healthy hair follicles are placed in a special solution.

Afterwards, the area to be planted is anesthetized with local anesthesia.


After that, one of the most important stages of the process, the channel opening stage is passed.


After the roots are collected, holes called canals are opened in the area to be transferred with the help of special tools with steel tips, and the collected hair follicles are transferred to the holes one by one.


Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is completed in an average of 7-8 hours.

As in FUE and Robotic Hair Surgery, it is very important that the experience of the people who perform the application in DHI hair transplantation technique will affect the result.


In Istanbul Aesthetics, hair transplantation with the DHI technique is successfully applied by attentive and experienced teams

Do you still have unanswered questions?

1- Is there any pain or pain during hair transplantation?

No, there is no pain or pain during hair transplantation.

2- How many hours does hair transplantation take ?

Hair transplantation takes about 6 hours.

3- What should be considered before and after hair transplantation?

Attention should be paid to alcohol and cigarette consumption.

4- When  can ı go back to work?

You can return to your normal life after 2 days of rest.

5- When does my hair start to grow?

Slightly extended to 1 Week

Becomes visible in 3 Months

Gets stronger in 6 Months

1 Year fully extended.

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Then send us your questions by message and we will answer them.

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