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Dental Treatment

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Dental Treatment Turkey

What are Dental Treatments? Dental problems are a problem faced by almost everyone. In the light of technological developments, new dental treatment methods are emerging every day, thus teeth are treated.

Dental Treatments

Dental İmplant

Dental Prosthesis

Smile Design - Hollywood Smile

Dental Braces





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Dental Treatment

Dental treatments are performed close to reality and a natural tooth appearance is revealed.


Within the scope of commonly applied dental treatments, especially aesthetically pleasing results are obtained.


Dental and oral health is very important not only in terms of aesthetics, but also because it facilitates the digestion of foods.


However, it is recommended to have a dental check-up at least twice a year to prevent tooth loss.


Nutrition is very important for healthy gums and healthy teeth. Acidic beverages such as coffee and tea adversely affect the teeth. Therefore, regular dental care is necessary.

Within the scope of commonly used dental treatment methods, treatment methods are applied especially for toothaches due to caries.


In order to remove the bruises, a detailed evaluation is made first.


Commonly used dental treatment methods are:


Gum diseases Tooth extraction Root canal treatment Smile design

It is one of the most frequently applied dental treatment methods in case of tooth loss.


Implant treatment is applied as an artificial tooth bridge to the jawbone.


The implant is produced from materials suitable for body anatomy. Therefore, it is compatible with the tooth and jaw structure. It is often preferred today.

One of the widely preferred treatment methods today is the porcelain tooth treatment method.


It is a method that is applied on the teeth especially in bridge works and makes them look aesthetically beautiful.

Orthodontic treatment is a method applied in the problems of crowding in the teeth, closing problems, tooth and facial deformities.


Orthodontic treatment applied within the scope of dental treatment methods is generally a preferred method for the development of teeth and jaws in young children.

Today, with the continuous development of technology, smile design is one of the increasing treatment methods and is often preferred.


Smile design can be applied together with botox application when necessary.


A smile design suitable for facial features is prepared in computer and digital environment and treatment is applied with the approval of both the physician and the patient.


Since each patient's jaw, face and tooth structure is different, personalized designs are planned.

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